About Puck-Geek.com

As little fluff as possible, that’s what you’ll find here. I like my hockey writing to be about stuff that matters, or at the very least stuff that actually happens on the ice. That doesn’t mean I take myself or what I write too seriously, but it does mean that you won’t find any irrelevant top 10 lists, or baseless “what if” articles on this site. When you read articles on puck-geek.com you’ll be getting an individual take on developing events, and an opinion you can analyze and contrast with your own, to be a more informed fan. Like you, I am just a fan, If you think I’ve got something wrong, tell me, let me know, because the last thing we need is another sports fan who’s right all the time.

This site is independently run and it’s content is created souls by Brayden Fengler; writer, former co-host of The Scratched Podcast. @braydenfengler on twitter. That is of course unless you find a mistake or typo on the site. In which case, I don’t know man, I have… I mean “we have” a very large staff of writers at puck-geek.com, you can’t expect me… I mean “us” to keep track of everything they post.


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